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George Stanley Faber, BD., Recapitulated Apostasy, Printed for J.G.& F. Rivington, London, 1833

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Norman Perrin, Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus, University of Chicago, return to religion online 32



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Posts: 7621



Johnson J.Johnson, Were the Resurrection Appearances Hallucinations? Some Psychiatric and Pychological Considerations, Churchman,  pp 227-238


David J. Norman, O.F.M., Doubt and Resurrection of Jesus, Theological Studies, 69 (2008)


John Dominic Crossan, A Vision of Divine Justice: The Resurrection of Jesus in Eastern Christian Iconography,  JBL, 132 no. 1  (2013): 5-32


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Edmond Stapfer, The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1898


Joseph May, The Myth of  Resurrection of  Jesus, Second Edition, Edward J.Bicking, Philedelphia


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Jay Raskin, A Discovery, The Crucified, Simon, Zealots, and Essenes, Journal of Higher Criticism, 9/1 (Spring 2002) 94-124


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Kersey Graves, The World’s Sixteen Crucifed Saviours or Christianity Before Christ, Library: Historical Documents: Kersey Graves


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Cher-El L. Hagensick, The Origin of the Trinity: From Paganism to Constantine


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Noah Wiener,   A “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” on a Coptic Papyrus, Bible and archaeology news, 09/19/2012


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ஐயம் நீக்க உதவிய புத்தகப்பட்டியல்




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The Holy Bible, Tamil O.V.  The Bible Society of India, Bangalore

The Holy Bible, Appointed to be read in Churches, Trinitarian Bible Society, London, 1831

The Holy Bible, Appointed to be read in Churches, King James Version

Christian Community Bible, Pastoral Bible Foundation, Philippines

New American  Standard Bible, Text Edition, The Lockman Foundation, California

The Family Devotional Study Bible, India Bible Literature, Madras

The Holy Bible,  New International Version, International Bible Society

Holy Bible Thiruviviliam, (With Deuterocanonical Books), Tamil C.I. Interconfessional, Tamil Nadu, Biblical, Catechetical & Liturgical Centre, Tindivanam, 1995

Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament, (Including Strong’s references, concordances, transliterations and lemmas)


Koine (Greek) Interlinear New Testament, (Including Strong’s references, concordances, transliterations and lemmas)

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