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தோமோ இந்தியா வருகை கட்டுக்கதையே – போப்பரசர் பதிப்பாளரின் நூல்

தோமோ இந்தியா வருகை கட்டுக்கதையே – போப்பரசர் பதிப்பாளரின் நூல்

தோமோ நடபடிகள் என்னும் 3ம் நூற்றாண்டு நூல்



ரோமன் போப்பரசரின் பதிப்பாளர் பர்ன் ஓட்ச் பர்பொர்னெ London: Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd. Publishers to the Holy See.

இவர்கள் முக்கிய பதிப்பு- தூய பட்லரின் புனிதமானவர்கள் வரலாறு எனப்படும்- பட்லர்ஸ் லைவ் ஆப் செயின்ட்ஸ் (Butlers lives of Saints)என்னும் 12 தொகுப்பு, மாதமொன்றிற்கு- அம்மாதத்தின் புனிதர்களை நினைவு படுத்தும்படியாக 12 தொகுப்பு கொண்டது.




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RE: தோமோ இந்தியா வருகை கட்டுக்கதையே – போப்பரசர் பதிப்பாளரின் நூல்





Holy see’s Publisher “Burn Oates & Wash BouRne Ltd” has Published Multi Volume “Butler’s Lives of Saints” Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says-

“.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Storywould have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.”. Pages 213-218, in Volume December.



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The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of ‘The Early Spread of Christianity in India’- Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-

“It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.”








The Ninth Act: of the Wife of Charisius.

87 And when the apostle had said these things in the hearing of all the multitude, they trode and pressed upon one another: and the wife of Charisius the king’s kinsman leapt out of her chair and cast herself on the earth before the apostle, and caught his feet and besought and said: O disciple of the living God, Thou Art Come Into A Desert Country,For We Live In The Desert;


தோமோ நடபடிகள் என்னும் 3ம் நூற்றாண்டு நூல் தோமோ கொண்டோபரஸ் என்னும் மன்னன் நாட்டுக்கும் பின் மச்டய் என்னும் மன்னன் நாட்டில் ராணியையும் இளவரசனையும் சூன்யம் செய்து மதமாற்றம் செய்ததால் மரணதண்டனையில் கொன்றான் என வருகிறது.
மச்டய் நாடு பற்றி தோமோ நடபடிகள் கூறுவது: மச்டய் நாடு ஒரு பாலைவன நாடு, பாலைவனப் பகுதி.

இயேசு யூதராய் இறந்தார், மதம் ஆரம்பம் செய்யவே இல்லை என பைபிளியல் அறிஞர்கள் 

All this should make clear that the view, which still persists in some circles that Jesus’s aim was to found a Church, different from Synagogue is quiet improbable. The Gospels themselves bear little trace of such a view…. Thus attempts to picture Jesus as breaking away Judaism, of Conceiving a religion in which Jews and Gentiles stood alike, equal in the sight of God, would appear to be in fragment contradictin to Probability.

page 144-45. Christian Beginnings Part- 2 by Morton Scott Enslin


“The office of Messiahship with which Jesus believed himself to be invested, marked him out for a distinctly national role: and accordingly we find him more or less confining his preaching and healing ministry and that of his disciples to Jewish territory, and feeling hesitant when on one occasion he was asked to heal a Gentile girl. Jesus, obvious veneration for Jerusalem, the Temple, and the Scriptures indicates the special place which he accorded to Israel in his thinking: and several features of his teaching illustrate the same attitude. Thus, in calling his hearers ‘brothers’ of e another (i.e., fellow-Jews) and frequently contrasting their ways with those of the Gentiles, in defending his cure of a woman on the Sabbath with the, pla that she was a daughter of Abraham’ and befriending the tax-collector Zacchaeus because he too is a son of Abraham, and in fixing the number of his special disciples at twelve to, match the number of the tribes of Israel-in all this Jesus shows how strongly Jewish a stamp he wished to impress upon his mission.” C.J. Cadoux: The Life of Jesus, p. 80-81



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Every Above Claims have been made over Last 200 Odd Years and repeated over every available rooftops and Media and using the Unity as a Political Tool Stamps etc., has been issued claiming St.Thomas visits.
Against Hundreds of Books spreading and claiming newer an newer Evidences for the Alleged visit of St.Thomas, quiet a few Christian Authors with Sincere Historical view have analysed most of the above claims and found that �Alleged visit of St.Thomas- is purely Fable� and no Historic basis of any resort behind this Fable.

We shall Analyse all above: ACTA THOMAE: 

Story of this Book:
Twelve Apostles divided up the world for their missionary labors by draw of lots, India fell to Thomas. Thomas the Twin Brother of Jesus said he was not healthy enough and that a Hebrew could not teach Indians; even an alleged vision of Jesus could not change his mind. 

Jesus then appeared to the Indian merchant Habban and became Slave Trader, sold Thomas to Habban for 30 Silvers as a slave for his master-King Gundaphorus, who ruled over part of India. When Thomas discovered and went with Habban as Slave.

They Landed at Ship at Port- Andrapolis, went to a wedding, and a Thomas met a Jewish maid, who loved him, Thomas rejected her and in Secret told the newly wed couple to Avoid Sexual Relationship, which is against Jesus� Teachings, when the Royal Parents came to knew this, they tried to arrest Thomas, and Habban and Thomas left ot King Gundaphorus� Land. King gave huge Money to Thomas for building a Huge Palace for the King.

Thomas did not construct any building, and he used the silver given to him by the king for Conversion Purposes by giving to poor for Conversion.

When the king returned, he imprisoned him, intending to flay him alive. At that point, the king's brother Gad died, and in Heaven when the Dead brother was shown the palace Thomas' good works had prepared for the king, Dead Gad was allowed to return to earth and offer to buy the spot from the king for himself. The king refused, released Thomas, and was converted by him.

Thomas after carrying out Conversion work in that country, went to neighbouring Desert Country ruled by King Misdaeus, when King Misdaeus was away, Thomas Converted, King�s wife, the Queen and young Prince. King felt Thomas-a Conjurer, arrested Thomas and On hearing was sentenced to death for Sorcery. Misdaeus�s Soldiers took him to a Hill and Carried sentence for Sorcery by Piercing. When One of the relatives of King Misdaeus was sick, on suggestion went to the Tomb of Thomas, but it was Empty, as the Dead Body was moved away, which later was moved to Mesopotamia.

What Chruch says about ACTA THOMAE?- in St. Thomas Christian Encyclopaedia, ed. George Menachery in which Article �The Acts of Thomas� by Rev.Anthony Poathoor.

- �The Acts of Thomas in its present form contains many Doctrinal Errors. Some Historians conclude that � �The Acts of Thomas� is the work of an unknown heretic who made use of the Authority to support his own Theological Opinions. Some Other Authors have suggested that the present work is the corrupted form of an older Orthodox version. In the view of former� We can hardly call the text interpolated, because the additions increase nearly Ten-fold to the Original Text. �. there is no doubt that the present Acts of Thomas is unacceptable from the Doctrinal point of View. Page- 24

-This is actually the same practice of Old and New Testament Bible Books. Pentateuch- or First Five books of Old Testament also called Moses� Laws- as per Biblical Research is dated to 400-250CE, but put on the Mouth of Moses a Legendary Person to have lived in 1200BCE. 

None of the Four Canonical Gospel or any of the 27 New Testament books were written by any of the Eye witnesses or Disciples OF Historical Jesus, but church added the names given to make use of the Authority of Dead Apostle and Jesus.

Now a book which was rejected in end of 4th Century/early 5th Cen when New Testament Canon was formed, and whose Doctrinal position is totally rejected is claimed by Those who spread Thomas Visit Stories as a Prime Source. Now this Acta Thomae tells of Kings Misdaeus & Gundaphorus. 

Now in the name of Tamilnadu and Kerala Traditions which Church created- Kings Mahadevan or MachchaDevan and Kandappa Raja where the Kings with whom Thomas interacted.

But then Coins of a King in North-West of India A King Gondophorus was found in 19th Cen. Middle and Gondophorus could reigned around late 1st Centruy BCE-early 1st Cent.CE. 

Our Thomas Story Builders who earlier said Thomas visiting by ship to Keralite Kandappa Raja and Coramandel (Chennai) king Mahadevan, now jumped saying first Thomas visited Gondophorus� Kingdom (Now in Afghanistan) and later came to Kerala. 

But does the name of King Gondophorus make the Acta- Historical? What is the Opinion of Roman Church? 

Holy see�s Publisher �Burn Oares & Wash Boune Ltd� has Published Multi Volume ��Butler�s Lives of Saints� Edited by Rev.Alban Butler (with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop for its Doctrinal Acceptance) says- 

�.. the Syrian Greek who was probably the fabricator of the Story would have been able to learn from Traders and Travelers such details as the name Gondophorus with Tropical details.. Pages 213-218, in Volume December. 

The Authors have gone through all the major works of the claims of St.Thomas Indian visit claims and one of the highly acclaimed work of �The Early Spread of Christianity in India� � Alfred Mingana connected this with Apostle Thomas visit claims and clearly affirms-
. � It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was evangelized from Edessa at a later date, and . that in the course of time a confused tradition.�
�It is likely enough that the Malabar Coast was Evangelized from Edessa at a Later date, and in the course of time a confused tradition connected this with Apostle Thomas himself.�

Holy See�s publisher says that Indian Christianity has mostly the Origins from Edessa, which is in present Turkey- But did Edessa was the area where Thomas Worked?- let us see, how a detailed study by a Secular Historian says-

�Edessa-the modern Urfa in North West Mesopotamia is a city with an immensely long history going back to the Babylonian & Assyrian age. About 132BC it has became a seat of local dynasty, one of whose king raised the pillar. CHRISTIANITY Was Introduced in the Jewish Colony in the 2nd Century CE, and the church developed a national spirit using the Syriac Language and becoming the First Seat of Christianity in the Syriac speaking Community.�- Page-2176, World History; Editor J.A.Hanmeston.

Former English Professor of St.Joseoph College, Trichy, Dr.Joseph Kolangodan wrote a book �The History of Apostle Thomas� and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University saying-
�As the Well known Orientalist and Syrian Scholar George Every in his book �Christian Myths�(New York; Page-92)- India of this Legend (Acta THomae) is certainly not Malabar and may not be in the Indian Peninsula�

CHURCHES very clearly know the above Research truths with its vast Experience of � a lie repeated becomes Legendry History as that of New Testament Hero- Jesus�.

What does Church know about Thomas. Let us get from a Christian Scholar-

� The VERY NAME of the Apostle who is known as Thomas remains obscure. Thomas is the Greek form of the Aramaic Teoma whose Greek Translation is Didymas, meaning �Twin�, most probably his original name was Judas, and the Parentheses and the versional variants could have been Scribal clarification. How could an Apostle be known by an epithet or an adjective such as �TWIN� - �Person And Faith of Apostle Thomas in the Gospels�- Dr.George Kaniarakath,CMI 

What is the Opinion about Acts of Thomas, in Catholic Church- Acta Thomae was composed in the Ist half of the 3rd Century AD in Gnostic Manichean circle with Encrastic tendencies. Page-411, Vol-3, New Catholic Encyclopedia &

Holy see�s Publisher �Butler�s Lives of Saints� Edited by Rev.Alban Butler with Nihil Obstat & Imprimatur from Two Archbishop and it says- 

It is now commonly agreed that there is no Truth behind the extravagant but interesting story as just outlined.

I also refer to �Church History of Travancore� by C.M.Agur, (released by the Church in commemoration of Centenary Celebrations of the Church in 1903) reprint 1990, refers to the Merchant Thomas of Cana who came in 745 AD and clearly affirms- 

� Long after his Death the people Canonised him and the Subsequent Generation confused St.Thomas the Armenian Merchant with St.Thomas the Apostle, who never came to Malabar. This Confusion becomes more potent when we look in to the names of the Churches said to have been founded by the Merchant Thomas are Identical with the names of the Churches attributed to St.Thomas. Page-12

Christian Churches say that Thomas founded seven churches are at Kodungallur, Palayur, Paravoor, Kokkamangalam, Niranam, Chayal and Kollam. 

Also we saw that Church claims that Thomas landed at Cranganore- a corrupted version of modern Kodungallur, and most of the other Six are all on Western Keralite Coast. Let Us what is the Truth of Archaeological Truth. The Church Apologists also say is the Cranganore as the Musiri the famous Port referred in Sangam Literature Former Professor of Chennai University Head of the Department of Archeaology Professor-Dr.K.V.Raman in Tamil says

கொடுங்கல்லூர் நகருக்குத் தெற்கில் பல இடங்களில், வடக்கில் பழமையானவை என்று கருத்ப்ப்ட்ட சில இடங்களிலும் அகழ்வாய்வுகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டது....
கேரளாவில் நடைபெற்ற இந்த அகழ்வாய்வுகளை நடுநிலை நின்று பார்த்தால் கீழ்கண்ட, தற்காலிகமான முடிவிற்கு வரலாம்.

கொடுங்கல்லூருக்கு உள்ளும் புறமுமாக, பல முக்கிய இடங்களிலும் நடத்தப்பட்ட அகழ்வாய்வுஅள் எல்லாவற்றிலும் கிடைத்த மிகப் பழைமையான படிவுகள் கி.பி.8 அல்லது 9-ஆம் நூற்றாண்டைச் செர்ந்த்ததாகத்தான் உள்ளன. ஆக, ஓரே சீரான பண்பாட்டுக் கூறுகள் எல்லா இடங்களிலும் வெளிப்பட்டுள்ளன என்பது தெளிவாகிறது.
கொடுங்கல்லூர் பகுதியில், மனித சமுதாயத்தில் முதல் குடியிருப்புகள் 8,9-ஆம் நூற்றாண்டுகளில் தான் ஏற்பட்டிருக்க வேண்டும். குலசேகர மரபினர், கண்ணனூர்ப் பகுதியில் குடியேறி, அதைத் தங்களுடைய தலைநகராக கொண்ட பொழுது இந்தப் பகுதி முழுவதும் முக்கியத்துவம் பெற்றிருக்க வேண்டும். குலசேகர மரபினர்களைப் பற்றிய நல்ல காலக் கணிப்புகள் நமக்குக் கிடைத்திருக்கின்றன. ஆனால் அதற்கு முற்பட்ட காலத்தைச் சேர்ந்த எந்த விதமான ஆதாரமும் கிடைக்கவில்லை.. ..

திருவஞ்சிக்களம் இங்கே ந்டந்த அகழ்வாய்வு கலவையான(M) பல ஆதாரங்களை வெளிப்படுத்தியது. அவை மிகவும் பழைமையானவை10 அல்லது 9ம் நுற்றாண்டுக்கு முற்பட்டதாக இல்லை.

திருவஞ்சிக்களம், கருப்பதானா அல்லது மதிலகம் போன்றவற்றின் பெயர்களை மட்டும் கொண்டு, அவைகள் பழைய வஞ்சியாகவோ கருராகவோ இருக்கலாம் என்று கருதப்பட்டது. ஆனால் இங்கு நடந்த அகழ்வாய்வுகள் கி.பி 8-ஆம் நூற்றாண்டைச் சேர்ந்த இரண்டாம் சேரப் பேரரசுக் காலத்து ஆதாரங்களைத் தான் வெளிப்படுத்தி உள்ளனவே அல்லாமல் பழங்காலச் சேரர்களை பற்றிய எந்தவிதமமன ஆதாரத்தையும் வில்லை. ஆகவே, இந்த இடங்களில் தான், பழைய வங்சியோ, கருரோ இருந்தது என்று சொல்ல முடிய வெளிப்படுத்தவில்லை.

பழைய முசிறித் துறைமுகம் இருந்த இடத்தைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க வேண்டிய அவசியம் ஏற்பட்டிருக்கின்றது. அது நிச்சயமாக கொடுங்கல்லூராக இருக்க முடியாது. பக்-68-70 கே.வி..ராமன், தொல்லியல் ஆய்வுகள் and this article was earlier published in Araichi, 170, under the Heading �Archaeological Investigations in Kerala�

I summarise it in English, Professor refers to the Archaeological research work done under Mr.Anu John Achhan and after analyzing all the findings says First Occupation of Humankind in Kodungallore Belt and surroundings happened in 8 or 9th Century AD, as Virgin Soil without Any Human Occupation came then, all researches in the surrounding areas took us to the Second Chera period of and certainly Kodungallore is not the Musiri the famous Port referred in Sangam Literature.

Does the Apostle Thomas in India Fables spreading Churches aware that Coastal Kerala was below Sea till 7th or 8th Century CE. 

Let us see from History of Christianity in India, Vol. I, by Fr. A. Mathias Mundadan, Professor of Church History and Theology at the Dharmaram Pontifical Institute, Bangalore, in says 
�Opinion seems to be Unanimously insupporting the Hypothesis that the whole or Greater part of the western section of the Kerala coast was once under waters and that the formation of the Land was due to some process of nature either gradual or Sudden.� Page-12

Incidentally Kodungallore Church are also called MALANKARA. What Does MALANKARA Mean? The Tamil word correct form is Mal-Iyan Karai, which became Maliankara or Malankara. The Land formed By God Vishnu(Mal) and God Siva(Iyan).

Now I refer again Dr.Joseph Kolangodan wrote a book �The History of Apostle Thomas� and it has the total appraisal from a fellow Christian, Professor John Ochanthurthi, Dept. of History, Calicut University

�As for as I could see from all the Shreds of Quotations presented by Prof. Kolangadan in this Volume, the antiquity of St.Thomas Tradition in South India cannot go beyond 13th Century. So for as direct and explicit support in favour of the St.Thomas Tradition in South India is concerned, I have No Doubt that the answer must be, None. Neither the Church Fathers nor the Apocrypal Acts say anything explicityly about Malabar.� Page 79

I quote from Rev.George Menachery Edited St. Thomas Christians Encyclopedia�,Vol-2, Article DID St.Thomas Really Come to INDIA- From a Doubter�s point of View by 
Rev H.COMES. It explains-

�Heracleon- (II Century) is the earliest author to throw a light on St.Thomas�s carrier; his grandparents might have known the Apostle. Now, discussing the problem of witness and blood martyrdom, he states in a casual way, as something well known, that Matthew, Philip, Thomas, and Levi(Thaddaues) had not met violent deaths. And Clement of Alexandria (150-211/16 A.D.) who quotes this Passage of Heracleon and corrects some of his ideas, does not challenge this facts.�

It explains and analyses further in detail all other points and finally concludes as-
" For all these reasons it is our honest opinion, and thus we conclude, that Christianity was brought to India, not by St.Thomas, but by merchants, refugees and missionaries from Persia; that in this movement of Christianity towards India, Rewardshir, which was not only a great church, but also a great port, played an important part; that the St.Thomas Tradition itself may have been brought to Socotra to Konkan -Gujarat and to South India by these early settlers and missionaries from Persia; but that its ultimate origin may have been some of the regions near Palestine Christianized in the First Century." Page-24

Linguistics Help much, Brahmins and Vedas have been regarded with Highest Hanour in Thol Kappiyam, Sangam Literature, Tirukural, Silapathigaram and Manimekalai which covers a period from BCE300 to 300 CE. Vedas are not written for long because it does not follow Panini�s Grammar, but has to get the right interpretation, hence we use Sanskrit-�SRUTHI� Means �Heard�- where as we have many names in above Tamil Literature such as �Marai, (மறை, எழுதா கற்பு, ஓத்தும் அறம், ஆர்ங்கம் நான்மறை)Ezutha kaRpu, Aram, Aarangam etc., Sanskrit words have been mixed in All the Above Literature. We do not have a Single Hebrew, Greek, Latin word which confirms the absence of anu major presence of this people here.
We saw, from Highest Authorities of Roman Churches, that 
1. Acts of Thomas is totally unreliable an unacceptable book, with absolutely Un-Historical Fables, totally rejected.
2. Even this Fable Acta Thomae- and the Geography it says are not in Indian Peninsula itself.
3. As for as South Indian Traditions we know there was nothing, as confirmed by Calicut University Professor of History. 
4. Kodungallore and most of the places are below Sea till 7th/8th Century of Common Era(CE), which has been very clearly proven by Archaeological Researches.
5. The Indian Christianity came from Syrian Edessa even that has no Thomas Back Ground as per Historical Truths.
6. Church has absolutely no Knowledge about any of the 12 Apostles or even the founder of Christianity Paul. Even though Church does not know the real name of any Back ground about Thomas, But very clear earliest recordings say that Thomas did not suffer from any Opposition and died a Normal death mostly in Judea itself.
Why Church is spreading this Fables � I quote a Church Scholar�s WORK which tells Truth openly-
�Psychologically such a Perception is important , in that it helps to attach the involved population to a long tradition which in turn insets them with Dignity and Pride. Sociologically such a cognition defines Indian Christianity as Pre-Colonial phenomenon which is of Tremendous Existential Consequence.� - Page-40, The Christian Clergy in India, Vol.-I, T.K.Comen & Hunter.P.Malony, Sage Publications 
Though most of these materials are familiar to Scholars and Specialist in the Fields, it is never made available to the Wider Public.
Luke16:10, Jesus of Galilee, the Orthodox and Patriotic Jew of New Testament Gospels against the Heathen Roman rule-says, 

if one is honest in little matters, he is trustable in other matters, and if one is dishonest in little matters he cannot be trusted in anything.

No Gospel Author has been Honest and so the Church. We have seen mainly about The Acta Thomae, but in my subsequent Chapters let us see in detail the way these Church has been Fraudulently spreading these Thomas Indian visit Fables and the Blatant Lies used and spread, on each of the above headings given as Proofs seen in First, with Authority of Highest Order from Christian Church and also Secular.



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I Quote here for this-
�The use of the Crucifix was not general before the 6th Century and the representation of our Lord suffering or dead is yet more recent; it began about 13th Cen, and only became general with the Spanish influence of the Counter Reformation.� Page-131; The Catholic Encyclopedic Dictionary.

MORE ON ANCIENT CROSSES.-All these Crosses are different from the Normal Christian Crosses � They have a Dove in top of an equal cross(more a Plus). This belongs to more the Manichaean sect and not Christian. 

Manichaean sect- founder Manes or Mani, 216-276AD, claimed to be the promised "Comforter" that Yeshu (Jesus) �i.e., Paraclete, prophesied would come after Him. (He was also considered the Buddhist Maitreya.) He is said to have Divine revelations and as the Sealing and the Last Prophet in the order of Zoroaster, Moses-Jesus and Buddha. The Dove Represents MarMani. 

Manichaean sect Found in Arabia, was prosecuted by both Romans and later Islam. They ran with their Treasures and came to India and China, in around 9th/10th Centuries.

Keralaite Churches Claimed Kodungallur as the earlier Muzuri of Sangam Period, and in each of the above 7 � Churches or close by places have Fables called Traditions of incidents with Apostle Thomas- one or two was in the article I said earlier.

Next is Thomas Forming or building Churches- Nowhere in any part of World does any building has been separately been used as Church till about 225 CE or so; till then Christianity was small sects and their assemblies were in one of the members houses. If Paul or Peter did not build Churches- why Thomas should do it below the Sea?

HOW RELIABLE IS RAMBAN SONG Or Other Keralite Traditions?
Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-
�Indian Tradition is clearly influenced by the accounts of the Acts of Thomas and also by the East Syrian Tradition.. Some of the elements of the Sacraments pf Confirmation may be regarded as details, which have crept in to the Account from the Portuguese Sources P.32
The so called details available are mostly the fruit of fertile imaginations, generously employed to fill the gaps and provide facile interpretation. P-3

The Church Story Spreaders have been very clever when they refer Thomas fables they always say �TRADITION�- AND What does Tradition means - Rev.A.M.Mundaden says-

�.. whole story which lies shrouded in Legends, fables, fictions and confusing details. Quiet often One has no other option but tto fall back on what is claimed as tradion. No wonder then that Speculations,Surmises and Presumptions have characterized many studies of the period. To avoid filling into such pitfalls� out of a large basket of all sorts of materials all claiming to be Tradtion-facts: Legends, Myths, wishful thinking, telescoping of events easy hormonisation etc., P-2

Ramban Song as per Church claims was composed in 17th Century. But one of the Nasrani Thomas Christian website says that Linguistically it can be dated to 19th Century.

(In my previous posting I showed Kodungallur was not Muzuri,and these areas were Human Occupied in 8th Century CE; I read articles that little inside from Kodungallur-a place called Pattanam ( Pattanam, a sleepy town in Ernakulam district; separated from the Thrissur District and Cranganore by a section of River Periyar Pattanam, near North Paravur, on the opposite side of Kodungallur) many Archaelogical evidences to be the Sangam Town. YOU CAN EXPECT CHURCHES WOULD CHANGE FABLES TOWARDS THIS SITE AREA AND PROOFS FROM ANCIENT WOULD FOLLOW FOR THIS PLACE.)

Death date as per Roman Traditions put for Thomas as December-21, and Syrian Traditions to July-3.

Ramaban Pattu as given earlier �Karkadaga Month 3rd� would put a date of around 17th or 18th of June or July (Vishu year and first month starts on 14/15th April), people familiar with Malayalam months can confirm. Malayalam Kollam Era Pechanga was used for dating. This Kollam Era itself starts from 9th Century only.
(But on the look of it July-3 of Syrian was just changed and written as Karkadaga Month 3rd , by people with No Panchanga Idea, when world changed to Gregorian Calendar from Julian in 16th Century, removing 12 days, which is applied in this Fable- Friends can look on it.

A Peculiar book written by Malayalam Author P.V.MATTHEW, in 1986 called �Acta Indica- The Acts of St.Thomas in India� has lot of researches and his findings are worth discussing (though the Author has built altogether different Visit of Thomas to some other place In Kerala, and Bluffs so much which I would analyse in another post shortly). However what would be interesting from foreword to this book by Chevalier K.C.Chacko, Retd. Vice Chancellor-Calicut & Cochin Universities is This book� Malayalam version-�The History of Christianity in theSpice Land� was Hailed by �KERALA HISTORY Association� as the �BEST HISTORIC BOOK published in 1984).
Erudite Mr. K.C.Chacko, a Christian himself says-� But I have chosedn to look at history dispassionatey, without compromising my faith, which is not tied up with the History or Historicity of the St.Thomas Christians. Mr. K.C.Chacko has summarized some of the conclusions given by P.V.MATTHEW-hailed by KERALA HISTORY Association, mostly occupied by Church Scholars.

//1. �. Contention of the nonexistence of Coastal Belt including Cranganore where St.Thomas is supposed to have landed and established Churches in the neighbouring places at that time is note-worthy.
2. The Firm assertion that St.Thomas was martyred in Calamina, which is not Mylapore, but is th Bahrain Island in Persian Gulf.
3. The Advent of Nambudiris in Kerala from Kashmir is sometime in 8th or 9th Century A.D., and the story of conversion of Nambudiris to Christianity by St.Thomas has no credibility.
4. The Possibility of St.Thomas preaching in South American Continent between AD.48-68
12. The colonization of Knanites cannot be 345 AD; it must have been in 745 AD and originally they were Manicheans from Armenia, converted to Christianity in the 16th Century only.//

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