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Darius Founded Judaism

How Darius Founded Judaism.

They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
Amos 5:10


© Dr M D Magee 
Contents Updated: Thursday, 26 March 2009

Part 1 — The Crisis of Sacred History 
Part 2 — Jerusalem and Judah Before the Return 
Part 3 — How Persia Created Judaism 
Part 4 — Ezra and the Law 
Part 5 — Hellenistic Romances 
Part 6 — Persian Propaganda 
Part 7 — Sacred History is Phony History 
Part 8 — Is Dating Phony Too? 
Part 9 — Persians and Greeks 
Epilogue: — Christianity 
Appendix: — Inventing a Religion 
Reviews — The Lost Temple of Israel 
Select Bibliography 

Biblical theology is a subject in decline. The evidence of this decline is not so much the permanent crisis in which it seems to have settled, or the lack of a new consensus to replace the great works of Eichrodt or von Rad. Rather the decline is evident in the fact that an increasing number of scholars no longer regard theology as the ultimate focus of biblical studies, or even as a necessary dimension of those studies at all.
John J Collins in The Hebrew Bible and Its Interpreters (1990)

Contents by Web Pages

Reader’s E-pistles

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  1. Judaism Abstracts of all the pages here
  2. Latest Abraham Kuenen and Julius Wellhausen in Old Testament Research(19KB)

    The Crisis of Sacred History

  3. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures 1 Divine Crisis (41KB)
  4. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures 2 Objective History (44KB)
  5. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures 3 Walls of Jericho (49KB)
  6. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures 4 Jerusalem (52KB)
  7. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures 5 The Scriptures (66KB)
  8. When was the Bible Written? (38KB)
  9. Old Testament Research and Criticism (64KB)
  10. The Bible and History (39KB)
  11. A Century of Bad Archaeology (75KB)
  12. Modernist School Copenhagen Scholars (42KB)
  13. The Truth about the Jewish Scriptures e-book (pdf) (542KB)

    Prehistory of Judaism and Christianity

  14. Origins of Religion and Culture (74 KB)
  15. Bicameral Mind and Conciousness (52 KB)
  16. Religion Origins I (67 KB)
  17. Religion Origins II (61 KB)
  18. Religion Origins III (57 KB)
  19. Religion Origins IV (85 KB)
  20. Religion Origins V (71 KB)
  21. Religion Origins VI (77 KB)
  22. The Origin of Writing (19 KB)
  23. Understanding Myths in Relation to Religion (67 KB)
  24. Primitive Revelation (148 KB)
  25. The Sun God Mesopotamia (55 KB)
  26. Babylonian Gods (40KB)
  27. The Sun God Egypt (37 KB)
  28. The Egyptian Book of the Dead Egypt (24 KB)
  29. The Sun God China and India (41 KB)
  30. Marduk And Monotheism (70KB)
  31. Greek Gods Dr J Harrison’s booklet (70KB)

Jerusalem and Judah Before the Return

  1. Canaanite Religion in the Levant (49KB)
  2. Yehouah the Sun God 1 The Glory of God in the East (42KB)
  3. Yehouah the Sun God 2 The Consummation of Israel (53KB)
  4. Jerusalem and Judah Before the Return 1 (72KB)
  5. Jerusalem and Judah Before the Return 2 (62KB)
  6. Hebrew Goddesses And the Origin of Judaism (55KB)

    How Persia Created Judaism

  7. Abraham Kuenen and Julius Wellhausen in Old Testament Research(19KB)
  8. Zoroastrian Influences on Judaism and Christianity 1 Pre-Zoroastrian Iranian religion (48KB)
  9. Zoroastrian Influences on Judaism and Christianity 2 Zoroastrianism: Theology (54KB)
  10. Zoroastrian Influences on Judaism and Christianity 3 Zoroastrianism: Practices (45KB)
  11. How Persia Created Judaism 1 A World State (65KB)
  12. How Persia Created Judaism 2 Persian Religious Policy (55KB)
  13. How Persia Created Judaism 3 The Universal God (51KB)
  14. How Persia Created Judaism 4 Persian influences (49KB)
  15. Herodotus on the Persians Persian influences (9KB)
  16. Discussion (54KB)

    Ezra and the Law

  17. Judah under the Babylonians (32KB)
  18. The Ramat Rahel Palace (119KB)
  19. “Returning” Exiles Or Persian Colonists? (53KB)
  20. The Foundations of Judaism 1 The work of Nehemiah and Ezra (76KB)
  21. The Foundations of Judaism 2 The work of Nehemiah and Ezra (74KB)
  22. The Foundations of Judaism 3 The work of Nehemiah and Ezra (87KB)
  23. Sulpicius Severus On the Restoration of the Temple by Darius (8KB)
  24. Haggai and Zerubabel Was Zerubabel Zoroaster? (40KB)
  25. Deuteronomy Second law? Or first? (80KB)
  26. Deuteronomic History And the Prophets (75KB)
  27. Joshua, Josiah And the Deuteronomic Historian (107KB)
  28. Judges The name of God (64KB)
  29. Jerusalem and Judah After the Return (48KB)
  30. How a Lemon (a Citron) Links Persia with Judaism (25KB)
  31. People of Abarnahara 1 The Phœnicians (58KB)
  32. People of Abarnahara 2 The Two Judahs (17KB)
  33. Angels Winged beings from heaven? (20KB)
  34. The Hellenistic Age I between the Testaments (70KB)
  35. The Hellenistic Age II between the Testaments (67KB)
  36. The Diaspora of the Jews (123KB)

    Hellenistic Romances

  37. The Pentateuch Expanding Deuteronomy (65KB)
  38. Genesis Myths Creation Myths and the New Year Festival (55KB)
  39. Genesis Myths 2 Adam and Eve, Eden, Cain and Abel, The Flood, The Tower of Babel (65KB)
  40. Patriarchs 1 Or “Returners? (74KB)
  41. Patriarchs 2 Or “Returners? (50KB)
  42. Exodus and Numbers Expanding Deuteronomy (40KB)
  43. Moses 1 And the Exodus (52KB)
  44. Moses 2 And the Exodus (44KB)
  45. Moses 3 And the Exodus (40KB)
  46. The Sinai Theophany (31KB)

    Persian Propaganda

  47. Who Wrote The Hebrew Scriptures? (22KB)
  48. The Prophets Persian Propagandists (52KB)
  49. Psalms and Worship The Psalms as Propaganda (19KB)
  50. The Enoch Literature Was Enoch Zoroaster? (45KB)
  51. Esther And Crucifixion (30KB)

    Sacred History is Phony History

  52. AniUpdated.gifDid King David Ever Really Live? (59KB)
  53. Bent Scholar on king David Archaeology
  54. AniUpdated.gifSolomon And his Temple (81KB)
  55. David and Solomon The Evidence from Megiddo. (46KB)
  56. Bent Scholar on the United Monarchy
  57. Assyria Background History (59KB)
  58. The “Divided Monarchy 1” Biblical History with a Slight Basis (55KB)
  59. The “Divided Monarchy 2” Biblical History with a Slight Basis (63KB)
  60. Biblical Languages Hebrew and Aramaic (54KB)

    Is Dating Phony Too?

  61. Dating Ancient Near Eastern History 1 (52KB)
  62. Dating Ancient Near Eastern History 2 (38KB)
  63. Dating Ancient Near Eastern History 3 (37KB)
  64. Dating Physical Methods (28KB)

    Persians and Greeks

  65. And to put things in perspective… 
    Did Zoroastrianism Influence Greek Philosophy? Judge for yourself from the evidence (40KB)

    Inventing a Religion

  66. Inventing a Religion Mikado worship (19KB)
  67. Future Scripture Read our service to a future millennium of believers online. (277KB)
    Or get the pdf e-book

    Book Reviews

  68. The Lost Temple of Israel by Zvi Koenigsberg

Select Bibliography

The CAIS-SOAS (The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies) of London University has a version of this book here.

Key points

  • These pages explain the true origins of Judaism
  • The actual origin of Judaism was in the time of the Persian empire of Darius II, not a thousand years earlier with Moses or hundreds of years before that with Abraham
  • The bible, as the Jewish scriptures or the Christian Old Testament, was started by Persian colonists, rewritten by the Ptolemies and added to by the Hasmoneans, so it was not ancient at the time of Jesus but was probably still being written by the Essenes

  • Abzu: Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East Available on the Internet Edited by Charles E. Jones (Oriental Institute), Abzu is an extensive index of resources on the pre-Islamic civilizations of Western Asia and Egypt.
  • Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet Edited by Paul Halsall (Fordham University),Byzantium is a course supplement for Byzantine Studies and more.
  • The Cambridge Classics External Gateway to Humanities Resources Edited by Bruce Fraser (University of Cambridge), Cambridge Classics provides access to internet resources of general interest to classical scholars, including links to materials on philosophy, ancient science, linguistics, drama and art.
  • Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World Edited by Suzanne Bonefas (Associated Colleges of the South/Miami University) and Ross Scaife (University of Kentucky), Diotima features a wide-range of resources for teaching and research on women in the ancient world.
  • Exploring Ancient World Cultures Edited by Anthony F. Beavers (University of Evansville),Exploring Ancient World Cultures is a general textbook project dedicated to the ancient Near East, ancient India, ancient Egypt, ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, early Rome and medieval Europe.
  • Kirke: Katalog der Internet-Ressourcen für die Klassische Philologie aus Erlangen Edited by Ulrich Schmitzer (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Kirke (in German) is an extensive index of internet sites relating to the classical periods of Greece and Rome.
  • The Labyrinth: A World Wide Web Server for Medieval Studies Edited by Deborah Everhart and Martin Irvine (both of Georgetown University), The Labyrinth has become the standard starting point for Medieval Studies on the internet.
  • NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources Edited by Beau A C Harbin (The Catholic University of America), NetSERF is a subject-oriented index of medieval resources available on the Internet.
  • The Perseus Project: An Evolving Digital Library on Ancient Greece Edited by Gregory Crane (Tufts University), The Perseus Project is a growing database containing a vast array of information including texts, lexicons, images and maps on ancient Greece.
  • Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo Studio dell’Antichità Classica Edited by Alessandro Cristofori (University of Bologna), the Rassegna (in Italian) is a gateway to resources for the classical periods of Greece and Rome.
  • Romarch: Roman Art and Archeology Edited by Pedar Foss (University of Cincinnati) and supported by the University of Michigan, Romarch is a wide-ranging index of resources on ancient Italy and the Roman world.

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